• Please contact the VA at 1-888-442-4551 regarding eligibility. Ƶ the to review benefit eligibility and apply online for VA education benefits.

    Please review our “Intake Process – Getting Started” information.

  • Please review the Benefit Review Information for your benefit chapter.

    can be viewed on the VA website.

  • The COE and KSU VA Intake form only need to be submitted once unless away from KSU for an extended period or changing benefits.

    The Request for Certification (RFC) needs to be submitted every semester you wish to use benefits.

  • Please download the form to your computer to complete and save it as a pdf document.

    Email your completed form to vabenefits@kennesaw.edu using your KSU student email.

  • You should submit your RFC once you have registered for classes for the upcoming semester, do not anticipate making any schedule changes, and are ready for us to submit your enrollment to the VA. This is to help ensure your first VA payment is accurate and not delayed due to a change.*

    Ch. 33 Post 9/11 or Ch. 31 VR&E students: Submit at least one week prior to the start of the term for the benefit to be applied to your student account in advance of the payment deadline.

    Please review the Priority Dates for RFC Submission.

    *VA processing times vary and may be delayed even if no schedule changes are made but changes will often cause additional delays for VA payments.

  • Yes. However, please be aware that your first VA payment of the term will likely be delayed.

    Ch. 33 Post 9/11 and Ch. 31 VR&E students: Request for Certification forms should be submitted at least one week prior to the beginning of the term/semester for the benefit to be applied to your student account in advance of the payment deadline. Otherwise, please be prepared to pay all tuition and fees by the payment deadline.

  • You will receive a reply email from vabenefits@kennesaw.edu confirming certification and detailing any issues.

  • No. The VA will not pay benefits towards courses that are not required for your degree. All coursework must meet degree requirements for it to be certified to the VA as part of your enrollment.

    Repeated courses can only be certified as part of your enrollment if the repeat is required for you to progress in your degree program. Meaning, you have not already earned a degree-satisfying grade or, when applicable, you have not met the GPA requirement for your specific program (ex: Coles College Sophomore GPA Requirement, Engineering Standing Requirement, etc.).

  • We will automatically review all students’ schedules after the drop/add period ends and submit any necessary changes to the VA. Please do not submit another RFC for the same semester.

    Please check your Degree Works to ensure that the changes made are degree applicable.

    Please note, changes may result in a delayed and/or inaccurate first payment of the term. If you are overpaid by the VA based on your initial schedule, you will receive a debt letter from the VA for the overpayment once they process the change.

    Example: Student is enrolled in 12 credit hours and submits their RFC requesting we certify their enrollment during the early certification process. Student later drops a class prior to the start of the semester or during drop/add week making their final enrollment 9 credit hours. After drop/add ends, we amend the 12 hours down to 9 hours for the final enrollment certification. The VA may have already sent out the first payment based on the 12 credit hours and will then send a debt letter to the student for the overpayment and adjust future payments to be based on the 9 credit hours.

  • The VA considers each session/term within a semester separately and pays benefits based on the dates of the term. So, for example, if you are enrolled in 9 credit hours on the 15-week session and 3 credit hours on the 7-week II session, the VA will pay the ¾ rate until the 7-week II session begins, at which point they will pay the full-time rate.

    Please review the Full-Time Hours tab on our website.

  • You will continue to get a bill from the school until all charges are paid.

    Ch. 33 Post 9/11 and Ch. 31 VR&E students: If you have submitted your Request for Certification (RFC), once reviewed and we have certified your enrollment, the Bursar’s office will adjust your account for the expected VA payment amount. Please review your account for charges not covered by the VA (meal plans, housing on campus, parking permits, bookstore charges, etc.). Any balance is your responsibility and must be paid by the payment deadline to avoid late fees and/or schedule deletion.

    Ch. 35 DEA, Ch. 1606 MGIB-SR and Ch. 30 MGIB-AD students: The VA does not pay KSU directly. You must always pay your balance by the payment deadline to avoid late fees and schedule deletion.

    Please review the Student Responsibilities tab on our website and the Benefit

    Review Information for your benefit chapter.

  • VA payments are sent out around the beginning of each month for the previous month of enrollment. Payments are prorated for partial months of enrollment.

    Please call the VA Education line at 1-888-442-4551 for payment information.

  • There are several possible reasons:

    • You have not submitted an RFC for the semester.
    • You submitted your RFC late, and the VA has not processed your payment yet.
    • You changed your schedule, major, or benefit after submission of your RFC and the VA has not processed the change yet.
    • You have not verified your enrollment with the VA (required monthly verification for Ch. 33, Ch. 1606, and Ch. 30).
    • VA processing times are taking longer than usual.

    If you did submit an RFC for the semester in question, please call the VA Education line at 1-888-442-4551 for payment status.

  • Students using Ch. 33 Post 9/11 must verify their enrollment to the VA on the last day of each month of certified enrollment to receive their MHA.

    Students using Ch. 1606 and Ch. 30 must verify their enrollment to the VA on the last day of each month of certified enrollment to receive their monthly payment.

    Please visit the  website for instructions on verifying your enrollment with the VA.

  • Please review the Withdrawals tab on our website and/or email your designated School Certifying Official for information.

    Please be aware that the VA will not pay benefits towards classes that students do not complete. Withdrawing from a class or classes will likely result in a debt to the VA and, if using Ch.33 Post 9/11, will also result in a tuition debt to KSU as determined by the VA.

    The VA will also not pay benefits towards classes that students do not attend/participate through the end of the term.

  • Please contact Tuition Classification for information regarding your classification as an out-of-state student. Please let them know that you are using VA education benefits as you may be eligible for an Out-of-State Tuition Waiver.

  • Online students are automatically billed the in-state tuition rates through an online waiver. If your tuition classification is out-of-state and you sign up for any on campus classes, you will then be charged the out-of-state tuition rates. Please reach out to the Tuition Classification team as you may be eligible for an Out-of-State Tuition Waiver.

  • Ƶ the Office of the Registrar’s Student Resources page: Click on Enrollment Verification Request for information and instructions.

  • Email your orders to Michael Redd at mredd@kennesaw.edu and he will guide you through the military withdrawal process.

  • Military Tuition Assistance is a DoD benefit, not a VA education benefit.

    Apply for TA through your branch portal. Once approved, email your approval document to thirdpartybilling@kennesaw.edu.

    Please review the Military Tuition Assistance tab on our website for more information.

  • To find out how many months of entitlement you have left, please call the VA Education line at 1-888-442-4551.

  • The VA requires a dual certification process with zero tuition and fees entered on the initial/early certification. The finalized tuition and fees are submitted to the VA during our Final Certification Process which occurs after the drop/add period ends. In the meantime, the Bursar’s office has applied a third-party VA contract to your student account for the expected payment amount from the VA.

    Please review the Enrollment Certification Process tab on our website.

  • Yes, please contact the  MVS Office for more information.