Chapter 33 Post 9/11
The VA will pay the school directly the tuition and mandatory student fees for eligible
certified enrollment at the awarded benefit level. The VA does not pay the school for bookstore charges, meal plans, housing on campus, perking permits, or for some portions of Executive/Premium graduate programs. When eligible, the student will receive a book stipend and monthly housing allowance payments from the VA. ÁñÁ«»ÆÊÓƵ the VA’s for estimated benefit payments.
To receive any monthly housing allowance (MHA), students must be certified for enrollment that is greater than half time. Full time for undergraduate students on the 15-week fall and spring semesters is 12 credit hours, so at least 7 credit hours is required to receive any MHA. Full time for graduate students on the 15-week fall and spring semesters is 9 credit hours, so at least 5 credit hours is required to receive any MHA.
To receive the maximum MHA, students must be certified for full-time enrollment and have at least one class on campus (lecture or hybrid – does not include the 95% hybrid). Enrollingin shorter terms within the semester may impact your benefit payments.
Full time hour requirements per term/session
Students using Ch. 33 Post 9/11 must verify their enrollment to the VA on the last
day of each month of certified enrollment to receive their MHA. You can find instructions
on the website.
If your remaining benefit time will not cover the semester, the Bursar’s Office requires you to pay your part of the tuition and fees by the payment deadline.
If you are classified as out-of-state for tuition purposes (as stated on your KSU
acceptance letter), please contact the Tuition Classification team to apply for the
appropriate waiver. The VA will only pay in-state rates, and the waiver is required
in order for you to avoid having to pay the difference.
If you receive tuition-specific scholarships/funds (those designated specifically for tuition, e.g., HOPE, Zell Miller, Military Tuition Assistance), these funds are subtracted from your total tuition and fees prior to submission to the VA. Schools must deduct tuition-specific funds and TA benefits from the net tuition and fees submitted to the VA for payment.
Chapter 31 VR&E:
Ch. 31 VR&E will pay the tuition, mandatory student fees, and books for eligible enrollment as authorized by the student’s VR&E Counselor. If you have inquiries regarding other benefit payments under Chapter 31, please contact your VR&E Counselor. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their VR&E Counselor has uploaded the authorization for the School Certifying Official and that the authorization is current for the upcoming semester. To find out if it has been uploaded, please contact your VR&E Counselor.