Preparing for Your New Employee's Arrival
How you set the stage for your new employee's first day is critical to creating a positive impression and building strong connections from the start.
Ensure that the connection you build with your new employee is strong from the start.
Provide critical first-day information using the New Hire Welcome Letter template
- When to arrive (date and time)
- Where to park
- Where to report
- What to wear (uniform, lab attire, hard-toe shoes)
Information that is nice to know (there’s coffee onsite, the building is always cold etc.)
Work Environment
Make sure your new employee’s work area is set up before the first day. First impressions count, so providing your new employee with a work area that is in “move-in” ready matters. Office Manager will provide new employee welcome swag and a packet of general information about HR.
- Determine designated space (cubicle, office)
- Organize and clean designated space
- Make arrangements for furniture (chair, stool, desk, file cabinet)
- Make sure supplies and equipment are available
- Approve door access request inititated by Office Manager
Prompt Office Manager to
- Order name badge and business cards (if applicable)
- Label mailbox
- Update phone lists, department directories, organizational charts
Collaboration / Schedules
Reach out to the rest of the department for help with preparations for your new employee’s arrival —involving peers builds camaraderie. Assign a “buddy,” an experienced co-worker, who can assist in answering your new employee’s questions and providing guidance in the early phases of the onboarding process.
Announce the hiring of your new employee. You may start with the New Employee Welcome email template.
- Include information about your new employee’s background (previous employment, education, experience, interests).
- Ask others to welcome and show support for your new employee.
- Arrange for introduction at designated time during the next upcoming staff meeting.
- Select an employee on your team to be a “buddy” — a go-to resource for your new employee during the first few months.
- Send your new employee the name and contact information of the individual so that they can be in touch with one another before the first day.
- Set aside time on your calendar to make sure you are available when the new employee arrives on the first day and frequently throughout the first week.
- Manager should conduct tour of department and building.
- Develop an itinerary for the first week using the 2-week onboarding schedule so your new employee hits the ground running with meaningful work. The schedule should
include a balance of time with others and time alone to read introductory materials
and complete mandatory training. Include some or all of the following as it pertains
to the role:
- One-on-one or small group meetings with team members. During these meetings, team members can describe their work and how it integrates with the new employee’s work.
- One-on-one meetings with you to discuss position description, performance expectations, appropriate attire, time and leave, etc.
- Meetings with other key colleagues.