Right to Know Global Harmonized System
When: Prior to your New Employee Orientation and annually each fall semester.
Required By: the "Public Employee Hazardous Chemical Protection and Right to Know Act of 1988” (O.C.G.A. 45-22-2).
Description: As an employee of the State of Georgia, you have the right to know about hazardous chemicals in the workplace. Along with your right to know, recent federal regulations now provide you the “right to understand” with an updated Hazard Communication Standard (HCS). This new standard makes it easier for you to understand labels on hazardous chemicals and information in safety data sheets. The course is a linear series of slides designed to familiarize you with the basics of the Right to Know law.
For questions about the content of this course see contact information below.
Environmental Health and Safety New Employee Training
When: All new hires including employees who have been absent from work for over one year must complete this course within 30 days of hire.
Required By: Federal Occupational Safety and Health Training Standards, State and USG policy.
Description: This New Employee Safety Orientation covers general safety procedures at Ƶ (KSU). The objective of this training session is to give you a comprehensive safety orientation to your workplace, including understanding your role in KSU’s health and safety program; where to get safety information; identifying, mitigating, and reporting hazards; preventing and responding to fires and emergencies; responding to and reporting incidents; and evacuating campus facilities safely.
For questions about the content of this course or employee training, please contact us below.
emailUSG Required Ethics Training
When: Within 30 days of employment and periodically as instructed.
All employees must complete the current refresher course by December 23, 2021.
Required By: the University System of Georgia Ethics Policy.
Instructions: Log in to and go to "My Assignments" to complete this training.
Description: The University System of Georgia (USG) is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct in pursuit of its mission to create a more educated Georgia. Accomplishing this mission demands integrity, good judgment, and dedication to public service from all members of the USG community.
While the USG affirms each person’s accountability for individual actions, it also recognizes that the shared mission and the shared enterprise of its institutions require a shared set of core values and ethical conduct to which each member of the USG community must be held accountable. Furthermore, the USG acknowledges that an organizational culture grounded in trust is essential to supporting these core values and ethical conduct.
View this link to access the .
For questions about the content of this course see contact information below.
KSU Conflict of Interest Training
When: Within 30 days of employment and an annual refresher each fall semester.
Required By: Ƶ.
Instructions: Log in to and go to "My Assignments" to complete this training.
Description: All Ƶ employees must avoid or manage real or perceived conflicts of interest regarding their KSU duties. To do so, employees must be able to recognize conflicts of interest, and they should know how to disclose those conflicts of interest.
For questions about the content of this course please contact us below.
emailClery Act Training
When: Within 30 days of employment and an annual refresher each fall semester.
Required By: the Clery Act Federal Statute 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f).
Instructions: Log in to and go to "My Assignments" to complete this training.
Instructions: Log in to and go to "My Assignments" to complete this training.
Description: This training will familiarize participants with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The Jeanne Clery Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses.
For questions about the content of this course please contact us below.
emailUSG Cybersecurity Awareness Training
When: Within 30 days of employment, new employees must complete the 10 minute “New Hire's Guide to Security Awareness” training available from the KSU . In addition, the State of Georgia requires all employees to complete cybersecurity awareness training twice annually. These trainings are available beginning in April (for the Spring training) and October (for the Fall training) and you will have 30 days to complete the training after each training announcement email is received.
Required By: USG IT Handbook Section 5.9.2
Instructions: Log in to the. and go to "My Assignments" to complete this training.
Description: This short module covers the basics of security and provides a few helpful action items that every individual can quickly understand and apply to their day-to-day functions.
For questions about the content of this course contact the Office of Cyber Security below.
emailSexual Misconduct Prevention and Awareness Training
When: Within 60 days of receiving the e-mail with registration and completion information and an annual refresher each fall semester.
Required By: KSU and federal requirements under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and Section 304(a)(5) of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (known as the "Campus SaVE Act").
Faculty and Staff will receive a notice from Vector LMS <Ƶ> with a link to their annually required Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Awareness Training. Click the link to complete the training.
Note: this training is provided by an external vendor and will not show in your Owltrain learning plan or transcript.
Using your web browser, go to the website for Ƶ Employees.
Building Supportive Communities: Clery & Title IX
For login or technical issues, please visit .
For questions about this course please contact the Office of Institutional Equity below.
Please note: UITS does not provide technical support for these modules. For any technical assistance with the Vector LMS courses, please visit contact page.
emailKSU Driver Qualification Program
When: Prior to operating any vehicle on KSU business and annually on the anniversary of completion.
Required By: Ƶ Policy and Board of Regents Policy. Official Code of Georgia Section 50-19-1 through Section 50-19-9 and Section 50-5-141. DOAS Comprehensive Loss Control Program (CLCP).
1. Log in to and go to "My Assignments" to complete this training.
2. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the 16 minute long course
Description: This program is to establish basic driver training required for ALL employees (full time, part time, student workers, occasional or temporary workers) of KSU who drive University owned or controlled vehicles, rental vehicles, personal vehicles for KSU business or low speed vehicles such as golf carts, Gators, Mules etc. This training is a requirement if an employee is travelling between campus locations, transporting of employees, students or guests, driving to meetings, driving to a conference or completing any University business that requires driving, regardless of vehicle ownership or driving frequency. This training is also an acknowledgement of State policies for driving.
Description: Defensive Driving is required for all approved drivers who operate a state vehicle, rent a vehicle or drive their own personal vehicle for KSU Business. The goal of the National Safety Council’s (NSC) Defensive Driving Course is to provide drivers with knowledge and safe driving techniques to prevent collisions and violations. This State recognized, 6 hour course focuses on collision prevention though hazard recognition and the application of collision-avoidance techniques. In addition, the course addresses common driving violations that result in collisions and how to change driving habits to eliminate moving violations.
**If it is determined that an employee will NEVER drive on behalf of KSU and claims exemption for any reason, the employee must complete the You will not be authorized to operate any vehicle for KSU business. Remember exemption from this program also excludes the employee from liability insurance coverage under the State Tort Claims Act, and you will not have the same immunity from personal liability as other State employees.**
For questions about these courses course please contact us below.
emailAdditional Courses May Be Required Depending on Job Duties and Exposure to Risk
is committed to empowering lifelong learners to achieve their career and educational goals. To assist in that mission, KSU offers substantial discounts to current employees. The exact amount will vary based on the cost of course materials. For more information regarding this benefit, please review the discount guidelines or contact KSU Community and Professional Education.