Future Students
How much does the program cost?
You can find the latest tuition rate here
If you are an 100% online student, the tuition rate will be in-state. If you are taking courses on campus and you are not a GA resident, then the rate will be out-of-state rate.
What's difference between MSCS, MSIT, & MSSWE?
MSCS program focus on the theory, algorithm, and development of computing systems which requires more in depth background in mathematics. MSCS is right for you if you are more into programming and development. Typical job titles for MSCS graduates are: software/application developer and programmer, etc.
MSIT program is applied in nature, concentrating on using technology to solve business problems. Student will learn programming, but it's not the major focus. A student will learn application of technology through hands-on labs and real world like projects. MSIT is a good fit if a student is interested in problem solving, instead of development. Typical jobs for MSIT graduates are system/security/business/data analyst, DBA, network administrator, project manager, etc.
MSSWEThe MSSWE program prepares students to use practical strategies by teaching them how to design and build high-quality software so that they will have an edge in the market. By allowing students to customize their path according to their career goals, we foster a unique learning environment that creates capable and innovative professionals. Typical jobs for MSSWE graduates are software engineers, video game designers and cybersecurity managers!
Can I have an IT career even though I don't have a computing background?
Absolutely! Check out the success stories of our graduates. Around 40% of the students in our program are career-changing students. Two key success factors: 1) study hard and build a strong knowledge base through the program. 2). take advantage of the internship or capstone project opportunities and gain real-world IT experience. -
I don't have a background in computing, should I start with Graduate Certificate in IT foundation?
Yes, the foundation certificate is designed to prepare students for the MSIT program. Alternatively, you can also directly apply for the MSIT program. If you meet the admission standard, you will be conditionally accepted. The condition is that you need to complete the foundation certificate first. You will be automatically moved to the MSIT program once you complete the foundation certificate.
Can the MSIT and graduate certificates be completed entirely online?
All of our programs can be completed entirely online, entirely on campus, or a mix of both. You can choose the course delivery methods that fit your schedule the most. Moreover, both online and on-campus classes are taught by the same expert faculty. -
I'm an international student. Will KSU issue F-1 visa for my program of study?
Yes, we issue F-1 visa for international students who are accepted to the MSIT program and the graduate certificate in IT foundation. -
I'm international student, how can I get my transcript evaluated?
Official evaluation of all foreign transcripts is required. Transcripts must be evaluated by one of the following agencies:
- Evaluations must come from either an or accredited evaluation service.
- Evaluations must include course-by-course and a calculation of your GPA. The evaluation must come to us in a sealed envelope or electronically directly from the agency.
The agency can send evaluations electronically or by mail.
An electronic copy should be sent to ksugrad@kennesaw.edu.
Hard copies can be mailed to: Ƶ Office of Graduate Admissions, 3391 Town Point Drive, MD 9109, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Do you offer graduate research assistantship or scholarship?
Yes, there are many Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) or Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) positions which come with tuition waiver and stipend. Please check your KSU student's email for opening positions. -
How can I find out if I qualify for the in-state tuition?
Use the link below to take a survey and system will tell you whether you qualify for in-state tuition or not.
I'm an international student, can I get TOEFL waiver?
Under certain circumstances, international applicants to the Graduate College may request a waiver for the TOEFL or IELTS when applying for admission. Check out TOEFL/IELTS Waiver Policy and how to apply for the Waiver.
Current Students
What are registration requirement for F1 visa?
A student on F1 visa must satisfy following requirement to maintain their F1 visa.
- You must register 9 credit hours in spring/fall semester. At least 6 credit hours must be hybrid or 100% in person classes. Additional classes can be online.
- If summer is your first semester, you must register 9 credit hours and 6 of which must be in person or hybrid.
- If summer is not your first semester or last semester, summer is optional. You can take any number of classes in any format. Summer usually is good time to do an internship.
- In your last semeter, it's fine to take less than 9 credit hours. If you only have 1 class left, it must be hybrid or 100% in person. If you have 2 classes left, at least one of the two must be hybrid or 100% in person. If you have 3 classes left, at least 2 classes must be hybrid or 100% in person. This applies whether your last semester is spring, summer, or fall.
- If you have any additional question, please contact international student office at isss@kennesaw.edu.
What is meant by Lawful Presence Verification?
The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia requires KSU to verify the lawful presence in the United States of all admitted students. for the detailed information and acceptable documentation for lawful presence verification. The required documents must be sent to the Graduate Admissions Office by email ksugrad@kennesaw.edu. -
How do I accept my Admissions Offer?
To accept an admissions offer, please go to your Self-Service Portal. Click on “Applications” in the top left corner. You will see your admissions status (Fully Accepted or Conditionally Accepted). Click on this status to see your admissions letter. In the top right corner, click on the “Respond” button and select “Accept.” -
How can I update my application’s starting term?
To update your application’s starting term, please complete and submit the Application Update Form. If you would like to change your program, please email this request to the Graduate Admissions Office at ksugrad@kennesaw.edu. Please state what program your application is currently for and what program you would like to have the application changed to. -
When and where are on-campus classes?
On-campus classes are held on the Marietta Campus. Classes are typically held between 5 pm and 8:45 pm Monday through Friday. Most classes are in the hybrid format (50% online and 50% on campus), thus meet once a week for an hour and 15 minutes. -
MSIT program has 2 options: Thesis and Capstone. Which option should I choose?
A MSIT student has to choose either Thesis or Capstone option. In Capstone, students complete a real world IT project from start to finish working in teams. Capstone option is for students who want to get into industry after graduation. In Thesis, a student conduct an in-depth research in IT subject area of his/her interests under the guidance a faculty advisor. Thesis student must register 6 credit hours of thesis courses in two consecutive semesters and is expected to complete a thesis as a final product. Thesis option is for students who want to pursue PhD degree after graduation or interested in doing research in a subject area.
Past thesis:
Capstone projects: mssit.kennesaw.edu/current-students/capstone.php
How to declare the embedded graduate certificate when I am working on MSIT program?
Good question! Many students will take this route to receive a graduate certificate embedded in MSIT program. You can declare the certificate as early as you decide to pursue it. Do not wait for the last semester to declare it.
You can find more informaiton here: