Contact the Wellstar School of Nursing

Wellstar School of Nursing
Prillaman Health Sciences, Room 3102
Mail Drop #4102
520 Parliament Garden Way NW
Kennesaw, GA  30144-5591

For advisement or other information about the nursing degree programs, please contact an advisor in the appropriate program:

  • Currently Enrolled/Accepted Students

    Wellstar College Advising Center

    Prior to Acceptance

    Please review the website for requirements, and if you have specific questions please email 
  • For comprehensive insights into your graduate nursing program, reach out to our dedicated program advisors. They're equipped to provide tailored guidance and valuable information to support your academic pursuits at KSU!

    Prior to Acceptance

    Please review the website for requirements, and if you have specific questions please email 


  • HIRING FOR January and August 2023- Non-Tenure and Tenure Track Positions:


    Tenure: Job #247462

    Non-Tenure Clinical Assistant Professor: (for those who hold a terminal degree): Job #249300

    Non-Tenure Lecturer: (for those who hold an MSN): Job # 247460

    For Questions Contact co-chairs faculty search committee:

    Dr. Tracy Ruegg |


    Dr. Rebecca Shabo, Interim Director and Chair |

Campus Location

The Wellstar School of Nursing department is located on the third floor of the Prillaman Health Sciences Building, Kennesaw Campus.

Wellstar School of Nursing Directory