Using the online platform Merit Pages, ÁñÁ«»ÆÊÓƵ students can share their accomplishments with friends and family, as well as create a profile to impress future employers. Students receive an email each fall inviting them to activate their official KSU Merit page.
ÁñÁ«»ÆÊÓƵautomatically updates students’ Merit pages with accomplishments such as making dean’s or president’s lists, earning scholarships, presenting research at a conference, studying abroad, or participating in student competition teams. In addition, students can customize their profile pages with pictures, work and school experience, and awards earned.
To learn more about Merit Pages and to see published stories, visit .
Following are answers to some frequently asked questions about the platform:
How do Merit Pages benefit students?
Merit creates a personal record of each student’s academic career, showcasing achievements and activities. A Merit page also is useful for seeking a job, with options to upload a résumé and list employment history.
Hundreds of colleges around the country use Merit Pages to recognize and promote student success, so Owls who opt in will join a national network of college students. Also, Merit updates are shared with students’ high schools, hometown news outlets and state legislators.
Merit pages can be connected to social networks such as Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn, ensuring that friends and family are able to see and learn about the great activities students are participating in and being recognized for at Kennesaw State.
How does Merit work?
Merit is an automated email system managed by KSU Strategic Communications and Marketing. When students earn recognition, the University publishes a personalized article to Merit and sends it to the hometown newspapers, high schools and government officials of each student involved.
Each time new content is added to their Merit page, students receive an e-mail with a link to view their story and share their achievements with friends and family. Parents also receive an email allowing them to share their students’ accomplishments on their own social media channels.
How do students update or customize their Merit pages?
How is students’ privacy protected?
ÁñÁ«»ÆÊÓƵrespects students’ privacy. The content KSU shares through Merit includes only information about students that is designated as “directory information" under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Student pages are set by default to be private and are not searchable on, unless students adjust their profile settings to make their pages searchable. However, stories containing students’ first and last names automatically will be shared with hometown news outlets, high schools and state legislators.
How can students opt out?
Opting out removes a student’s profile from Merit Pages and prevents the University from publishing future achievements by that student. Students can opt out at any time by following .