Important Documents
Room Selection Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find my Room Selection time ticket?
You can find your Room Selection time ticket in the starting Monday, April 7, 2025. Once logged in, you will see a notification box that
shows you your time ticket. You can also select the "2025-26 Application" tab in the
gold menu, and you will see a green box with your time ticket. |
When do time tickets open for First-Year students?
Time tickets for First-Year students begin on April 14, and span into the month of May. Time tickets open in 20-minute intervals during business hours Monday through Friday. Time tickets are determined based on when students signed their License Agreement during the first step of the Housing Application. Each student has been assigned a specific time when they may begin Room Selection. As a reminder, First-Year and Upper Class students are not able to live in the same communities and will only be able to see the available units for their classification whenever their time ticket begins. |
My Room Selection time ticket doesn't open until later. What should I do in the meantime
to set my Roommate Pair up for success?
Before Room Selection, we recommend that you visit our website and carefully explore
each community. Review the virtual tours, community and room amenities, and pricing
of each option. Communicate with your preferred roommate (if applicable) and make
a list of your top three community choices before Room Selection begins, so you know
what to look for in the .
Also, make sure the group member with the earliest time ticket is selected as your Roommate Pair Leader. This information is located in two places on the Housing Portal. The first place is on the main "Term Selector” page. Click on “Roommate & Room Selection,” and you will see a summary of your pair. It is also listed on the “Roommate Pair” page.
Am I guaranteed a room if I have a roommate?
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that there will be a room available when your time
ticket for Room Selection begins. We encourage each Roommate Pair Leader to log in
to the when their time ticket opens to pick rooms from what we have available at that time.
Remember if you are in a Roommate Pair, only your Roommate Pair Leader is able to
select rooms. |
How do I know who my Roommate Pair Leader is?
This information is located in two places on the . The first place is on the main "Term Selector" page. Click on "Roommate & Room Selection,"
and you will see a summary of your group there. It is also listed on the "Roommate
Pairs" page. The Roommate Pair Leader may pass their leader role to the other roommate
in the "Pair Management" page any time before their Room Selection time ticket begins. |
How can I change the Roommate Pair Leader?
- Log in to the .
- Click on "Roommate & Room Selection" in the gold menu bar.
- Click "Continue" on the Term Selector page.
- Once inside the process, look for the "Roommate Pair Management" page. This page will
be available before and after Room Selection opens.
- Once on the Roommate Pair Management page, the Roommate Pair Leader can see the Room
Selection timeslots for all group members.
- If a pair member has an earlier time ticket, they can make that person the Roommate
Pair Leader by clicking the "Make Leader" button on this page.
- Once this button is clicked, the Roommate Pair Leader responsibilities will be passed
to the other member.
- The new Roommate Pair Leader is responsible for going into the Housing Portal when
their time ticket opens to place both roommates into rooms.
If I'm not the Roommate Pair Leader, can I select a bed?
No, only Roommate Pair Leaders can select beds for the group. This is why it is very
important to communicate with your Roommate Pair Leader about your plans and preferred
living locations. |
My Roommate Pair Leader Forgot to place me in a bed. What should we do?
The Roommate Pair Leader cannot move forward with Room Selection without placing both
people in a room. |
How will I know what other students select beds in my unit if they were not part of
my Roommate Pair?
Once you select a room and pay the Room Booking Fee, you will be able to see the other
students who selected that unit before you in the Room Selection Summary page on the
. You will not receive a notification when other students select beds within your unit after you, but you may log in to the Housing Portal at any time to check. We encourage you to use each student's information provided on the Room Selection summary page to contact your roommates and coordinate who is bringing what shared items before Move-In Day. |
Selecting a Room Without a Roommate Pair
I was not able to pick a roommate before Roommate Selection ended. Am I still able
to select a preferred roommate?
Unfortunately, you cannot create a Roommate Pair after Roommate Selection ends, but
you can coordinate with other students on your own if you wish to live with someone
you know. When your time tickets for Room Selection open, you can attempt to find
rooms in the same unit or on the same hallway, depending on what is available. We
cannot guarantee this will happen, but with coordination, it is possible. |
What should I do if I didn't match up with a preferred roommate during Roommate Selection?
Roommate Selection is not a mandatory step. If you did not match up with someone,
you will select a bed for yourself during Room Selection, and you will live with the
other students who also select beds within your unit. |
Room Selection for Special Interest Housing
How does Room Selection work for students who are participating in an Honors Housing?
The Room Selection process is the same. The only difference is that Honors Housing
students will only be able to select rooms from those reserved for Honors Housing.
For more information about Honors Housing and to see which communities it can be found,
please visit our Special Interest Housing webpage. |
What should I do if I am on the Honors Housing waitlist?
If you are on a waitlist for Honors Housing and have not yet received an offer, you
have two choices.
Option 1: You may wait for an Honors Housing offer, which we cannot guarantee you will receive,
and forgo your time ticket to begin Room Selection.
Option 2: You may begin Room Selection according to your time ticket, which will automatically
remove you from the Honors Housing waitlist.
If you choose Option 1, you may potentially miss the opportunity to find a room on
campus. If you choose Option 2, you will miss the opportunity to live in Honors Housing.
If you have questions about Honors Housing, please email
Room Selection for Other Special Interest Housing
Room Selection for The Academy, Ascend, Stonewall and The Outfit is managed by the
programs or departments overseeing these housing types. Eligibility for these accommodations
is determined solely by each program's specific criteria. Ƶ our Special Interest Housing webpage for more information. |
What if I’m not accepted into Special Interest Housing?
If you are not accepted, you will proceed with the general Room Selection process
according to your assigned time ticket. |
If I want to live with 3 or 4 people, how will Room Selection work?
No more than two people can be in a Roommate Pair, including you and one other person.
If you are attempting to match up with someone outside of your Roommate Pair, you
will need to communicate early and often with one another. You may try to live together
by communicating which units you have selected to live in so when their time ticket
opens, they can attempt to select that same unit.
If another student chooses the other rooms in your selected unit, it is unacceptable
to ask them to cancel their room booking to accommodate your friends. Room Selection
is based on a time ticket system determined by how soon a student completes the first
step of the Housing Application. It is unfair to ask someone to give up their current
booking to accommodate another student with a later time ticket.
If I want to live with another Roommate Pair, should I wait to book a room until the
other Roommate Pair Leader's time ticket opens?
Since our housing options are limited and space will fill quickly, we advise you to prioritize finding a room on campus above attempting to live with others outside your Roommate Pair. We cannot guarantee that there will be units available for groups of 3 to 4 people when your time tickets open. Room Selection is based upon availability, and we have a high demand for housing but cannot accommodate everyone who wishes to live on campus. |
Bed and Room Availability
Are the floor plans on the website exact?
Our floor plans are useful guides to give you an idea about what your space will look
like, but they are not exact. For example, in some units, the bedrooms may be flipped
depending on the orientation of the rooms. You may view a virtual tour of each floor
plan in our Housing Options section. |
Can roommates within the same unit switch beds?
Some of our rooms in The Summit, University Village and Hornet Village have double
occupancy bedrooms, which means there are two beds in one bedroom. We ask Roommate
Group Leaders to assign beds (either bed A or B, or the top or bottom bed) during
Room Selection to prevent disagreements on Move-In Day. |
What happens if I don't select a bed?
If you don’t select a bed and we run out of available rooms, you will need to place yourself waitlist. You will not be guaranteed a bed if you do not select one during Room Selection. |
What happens if there are no rooms available?
If we no longer have rooms available for your gender, classification or campus, we
will open a waitlist. Students may add themselves to the waitlist; Housing and Residence
Life does not place students on a waitlist automatically. There is no cost to add
yourself to the waitlist. If a room becomes available, a Housing staff member will
reach out to you via phone or email with an offer for the next available bed. You
have 48 hours to accept the offer. |
Can I choose a room on either campus?
If you are a First-Year student, you will only be able to select rooms from the available
options for your classification on your assigned campus. Your assigned campus is based
on the major you declared when you applied to attend KSU. If you wish to change your
major, you can do so in Owl Express. Please allow 5 to 10 business days for your major
change to be processed. |
How do I change my room selection?
If you have not paid the Room Booking Fee, you are able to change your room selection in the Housing Portal. Watch our Keys to On-Campus Living: First-Year Room Selection video to learn how. |
When do I have to pay the Room Booking Fee?
Students who have a Roommate Pair Leader place them into a room and students who are not in a Roommate Pair have 48 hours after selecting or being placed into a room to pay their $75 Room Booking Fee. If you do not pay this fee within 48 hours, your reservation will be dropped, and your room will go back into the available room pool. We encourage you to pay this fee as soon as possible. |
Room Booking Cancellation
I added a room to my cart and confirmed my booking. Can I cancel this booking to pick
a different room?
To cancel your existing booking in an attempt to book a different room, please email from your KSU student email account with your request. You will be asked to complete a form indicating your acceptance of the terms for canceling your existing booking. If you are part of a Roommate Pair, making this request will dissolve your Roommate Pair, and you will NOT be able to join or create another one. Please note that the room you hope to select may not be available once your booking is canceled and you are able to log back in to select a new room. |