The Bagwell Center for the Study of Markets and Economic Opportunity is part of a larger network of organizations who also aim to communicate the benefits of a free society. For opportunities to engage with these ideas both at BCSMEO and within the broader network, please see the information below.

Market for Ideas Reading Groups Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Graduate School Opportunities

  • For over 30 years, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University (previously the Center for the Study of Market Processes) has recruited, trained, and supported graduate students who have gone on to pursue careers in academia, government, and public policy as well as supported scholars pursuing research on the cutting edge of academia.

    The  is a competitive, full-time fellowship program for students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in economics at George Mason University. It includes full tuition support, a stipend, and experience as a research assistant working closely with Mercatus-affiliated Mason faculty and scholars.

    The  is a two-year, competitive, full-time fellowship program for students pursuing a master’s degree in economics at George Mason University who are interested in pursuing careers in public policy. It includes full tuition support, a stipend, and practical experience as a research assistant working with Mercatus policy scholars.

    The is a one-year, competitive fellowship program for graduate students pursuing doctoral degrees at any university, and in any discipline, including economics, philosophy, political science, history, and sociology. Adam Smith Fellows receive a stipend and attend colloquia on the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington schools of political economy.

    The  is a one-year, competitive fellowship program for graduate students attending master’s, juris doctoral, and doctoral programs in a variety of fields including economics, law, political science, and public policy. Frédéric Bastiat Fellows receive a stipend and attend colloquia on public policy.

    Get more information at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University regarding additional .

  • The FMI offers three-year fellowships for students seeking a Ph.D. in fields related to the theory, history, and practice of free markets. These fellowships provide full tuition support and a competitive stipend during each academic year. Fellowship funding is currently available to students pursuing a Ph.D. degree in either the Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics or the Department of Political Science at Texas Tech University.

    Get more information at the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University regarding .

  • The Johnson Center has a wide range of financial support available to students pursuing a M.A. in economics at Troy University. In addition to the M.A. Assistantship, the Johnson Center also offers tuition scholarships to students.

    For more information on the M.A. program in economics at Troy University and their financial support opportunities, .

  • The newly formed Chamber College M.S. Economics is a 30 credit hour program, delivered fully online, that can be completed in one year. The flexible format allows students to maintain momentum in their career while pursuing their degree.

    The job outlook for economics-related occupations is growing faster than average due to increasing demand for quantitative skills and critical reasoning associated with training in economics. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of economists to grow six percent from 2016-2026. “Job prospects should be best for those with masters degree or Ph.D., strong analytical skills, and experience using statistical software” ().

    WVU’s M.S. Economics graduates will be high-level quantitative economists with the ability to analyze complex policy issues using modern data analysis and econometric methods. Graduates will not only have the technical skills in demand by national employers, they will be able to apply their learning to a large and diverse set of policy issues within our areas of program expertise, such as public finance, health economics, and regional economics.


  • The PERI Ph.D. Fellowship Program is a competitive fellowship program for students pursuing a  at Middle Tennessee State University. The PERI Ph.D. Fellowship provides financial support for tuition and fees and an annual stipend for part-time employment (20 hours a week) as a Graduate Assistant. Graduate assistant responsibilities include research assistance, teaching assistance, and/or tutoring. PERI Ph.D. Fellows will be expected to write one publishable academic journal article over the summer. The PERI Ph.D. Fellowship has a one-year appointment, but is renewable on a competitive basis.

    For more information on graduate student fellowship opportunities at PERI MTSU,  .