What is a NetID?

NetID is the username for centralized access to KSU campus resources. It is formatted as the first initial of your first name and a portion of your last name, often followed by numerals. For example, Scrappy Owl's NetID is sowl, and his full email address is sowl@kennesaw.edu. This username will be used to gain access to most campus-supported technologies.

Your NetID password expires a year after the last date it was changed. You will receive email notifications 30 days before the expiration, and additional reminders as the expiration nears. 

If you think your password has expired or is about to expire, login to the with your current password and click "Change Password."

If your password has expired, the is the only KSU website you can login until you have updated your password.

NetID First-Time Users

Your initial password is made up of:

  • Your KSU ID Number, and
  • .KSU

Example: 000123456.KSU (Note that .KSU is capitalized.)

Once your account is activated, your password will be valid for 365 days after the activation date.

Need help navigating through the process?

Take a moment and watch an instructional video on locating your KSU ID and NetID, and activating your NetID.

Forgot Your Password?

If you've forgotten your KSU password, follow these steps to reset it:

  1. Go to the NetID website:
  2. Enter your NetID login name only, omitting the full email address (sowl instead of sowl@kennesaw.edu) and click "Forgot Password? Enter NetID and Click Here."
  3. Answer the security questions: You will be prompted to answer three of the five security questions you set up when creating your password.
  4. Create a new password: Once you've answered the questions correctly, you'll be able to create a new password.
  5. Verify your new password: After creating your new password, log in to your account to verify it works.
Password Tips

Still need help? Call us at 470-578-6999.

Changing Your NetID Password

Did you receive an email notice stating that your password expires soon? Your NetID password expires a year after the last date it was changed. Please read this important information, and then log into the and click “Change Password”.

*Before changing your password, set mobile devices to airplane mode and log out of Outlook.

Updating Passwords on Mobile Device Email

Before changing your NetID password, you must set your mobile devices to Airplane mode to prevent getting locked out of your accounts.

  • To set Airplane Mode:

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Switch Airplane Mode to On setting

    To change Password:

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars
    3. Locate your KSU Email account and select it
    4. Tap the field labeled Account
    5. Update the password
    6. Tap Done to close the Account window
    7. Tap Done to close the KSU email window
    8. Return to Airplane Mode and switch to Off
    9. Enter your new password when prompted to re-connect to the KSU WiFi

    Note: Updating your NetID password does not in any way affect your Apple ID passwords, or third-party service passwords (Dropbox, GMail, etc.) so you do not need to change any of your iTunes, iCloud, or App Store passwords.

  • To set Airplane Mode:

    1. Hold down the power button
    2. Tap Airplane Mode
    3. Tap OK to confirm, if prompted

    To change Password on Android 2.3.x:

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap Accounts
    3. Locate your KSU email account
    4. Update the password
    5. Return to Airplane Mode and switch to Off
    6. Reconnect to KSU WiFi with new password

    To update password on Android 4.1.x:

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap Microsoft Exchange Active Sync under Accounts
    3. Tap Settings
    4. Locate and tap your KSU email account
    5. Scroll down and tap Exchange Server Settings
    6. Update the password
    7. Return to Airplane Mode by holding down the power button and switch to Off
    8. Tap Done
    9. Reconnect to KSU WiFi with new password

Password Requirements 

  • No Previous five passwords
  • CANNOT contain:
    • Name
    • NetID
    • KSU ID Number
    • Social Security Number
  • Minimum of 12 characters
  • At least ONE letter
  • At least ONE number
  • At least ONE following special characters . _ ! + - |

What to Do After Your NetID Password Changes

You may have software on your computer(s), which stores your NetID password in order to access various services. When you change your NetID password, you should also be sure to update any stored NetID password to reflect the new password and avoid being locked out of your account.

  • To remove the old password:

    1. Open Finder.
    2. Go to Applications.
    3. Click Utilities.
    4. Launch Keychain Access.
    5. Choose login in the Keychains section and Passwords in the Categories section.
    6. Select the appropriate passwords. Examples of stored NetID passwords are:
      • WPA: KSU
      • email.kennesaw.edu
      • kennesaw.edu
      • KSU
    7. Click Edit on the menu bar.
    8. Click Delete.
    9. Quit Keychain Access.
    1. Open your Calendar.
    2. Go to Calendar on the top menu bar.
    3. Click Preferences.
    4. Click Accounts.
    5. Choose your Kennesaw account.
    6. Change your password.
    7. To save your new settings, simply close the window.
    1. Open Mac Mail.
    2. Go to Mail on the top menu bar.
    3. Click Preferences.
    4. Click Accounts.
    5. Choose your Kennesaw e-mail account.
    6. Change your password.
    7. Click Outgoing Mail Server and choose Edit SMTP Server List.
    8. Click the Advance tab and change your password there.
    9. Click OK
    10. Close the window.
    11. Click Save.
    1. Select Manage Sites from the Site menu.
    2. Edit each site that you have configured.
    3. Open the servers panel.
    4. Double-click the remote server entry.
    5. Update the password and save.
    1. Go to Firefox on the menu.
    2. Click Preferences.
    3. Go to Security.
    4. Click the Saved Passwords button.
    5. Select and remove the old password as necessary.
    6. Close the window.

    To eliminate all existing saved passwords, click  Remove all.  To eliminate specific saved passwords, click View Saved Passwords and delete just those associated with your NetID.  If you wish, deselect the option to Remember passwords. This will prevent passwords from being saved in the future.

    1. Click Safari on the top bar.
    2. Click Preferences.
    3. Click Passwords.
    4. Select and remove the old password as necessary.
    5. Close the window.
    1. Click the Chrome Menu on the browser toolbar.
    2. Click Settings.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Show advanced settings link.
    4. Click Manage saved passwords in the Passwords and forms section.
    5. In the Passwords dialog box that appears, use your mouse to hover over the site whose password you need to remove and click the X that appears on the right.
    6. Click Done.
    1. Reopen Outlook.
    2. A pop-up window asking for your NetID and new password will appear.
    3. Enter this information.
    4. Click OK. You have successfully changed your password in Outlook.
    1. Select Manage Sites… from the Site menu
    2. Edit each site that you have configured
    3. Open the servers panel
    4. Double-click the remote server entry
    5. Update the password and save
    1. Click Firefox on the top bar
    2. Click Options
    3. Go to Options
    4. Go to Security
    5. Click Saved Passwords
    6. Select and remove the old password as necessary
    7. Click Close

    To eliminate all existing saved passwords, click  Remove all.  To eliminate specific saved passwords, click View Saved Passwords and delete just those associated with your NetID. If you wish, deselect the option to Remember passwords. This will prevent passwords from being saved in the future.

    1. Click the Chrome Menu on the browser toolbar
    2. Click Settings
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Show advanced settings link
    4. Click Manage saved passwords in the Passwords and forms section
    5. In the Passwords dialog box that appears, use your mouse to hover over the site whose password you need to remove and click the X that appears on the right.
    6. Click Done
    1. Click the Apple icon (top left)
    2. Go to System Preferences
    3. Click Network
    4. Select Wi-Fi
    5. Click Advanced
    6. Select “KSU” in the Preferred Network list
    7. Click the minus symbol below the list to remove the profile
    8. Click OK
    9. Click Turn Wi-Fi Off
    10. Click Turn Wi-Fi On
    11. Select “KSU” from the Network Name dropdown menu
    12. Enter your NetID and new password when prompted
    1. Go to the Control Panel
    2. Select Network and Internet
    3. Click Network and Sharing Center
    4. Click Manage Wireless Networks
    5. Right-click on the KSU network and choose Properties
    6. On the Properties window, select the Security tab
    7. Click Advanced Settings
    8. On the 802.1X settings tab, click Save credentials
    9. Enter your NetID and new NetID password
    10. Click OK on the next two screens to save your new NetID password
    1. Plug in the laptop to an ethernet port on campus
    2. Log in with your NetID and new password to rejoin the KSU domain

    Note: If the laptop does not accept your new NetID password, then log in using your old NetID password, reboot, and then log in using your new NetID password.