Honors Learning Experience (HLE) Opportunities:
Art & Design - Dr. Garner
Type of opportunity: Research
Faculty Member: Rick Garner College: Geer College of the Arts
Seeking: Psychology, Social Work, Education, Nursing, Art, Computer Science, and others
Description: This project involves work on the production of an edited book on the use of digital
arts media (i.e. iPad, apps, video, gaming, etc.) for students with special needs.
Research for this project will involve both literature reviews and conducting research
surveys. This information will be compiled, analyzed and summarized in order to produce
content for the edited book. Additionally, the Honor Student will possibly co-author
a chapter and review submitted manuscripts for grammatical errors and adherence to
APA format.
- Perform reviews of literature in the following categories:
- Context of Technology in Visual Arts and Culture: Digital Culture
- Digital Capabilities in the Visual Arts: New Media, 3D Printing
- Current Applications of Digital Technologies for Special Needs: Apps, Virtual Worlds,
Video; Ethical Issues and Future Possibilities for Digital Technologies in Special
- Technology and Apps in Medicine and Mental Health
- Review submitted manuscripts for grammatical errors and adherence to APA format.
- Research and writing for co-authored book chapter.
Time Commitment: To be determined
How to find out more: Email: Dr. Garner rgarner@kennesaw.edu
Art & Design - Dr. Kiernan
Type of Opportunity: Research - 3D imaging and printing for archaeological artifacts
Faculty Member: Dr. Philip Kiernan
Description: New technology and software is increasingly being used to help document, preserve
and present the remains of the past. In this project, students will help improve our
capacity to use this technology to document archaeological artifacts, including some
ancient bronze objects currently on loan to KSU from the Buffalo Museum of Science.
The student will be asked to scan and produce 3D models of several objects over the
course of the year using different techniques, tools, and software, and to document
the process to other team members. By creating printable 3D models with a combination
of scanners and photogrammetric software, the student will improve the capacity of
School of Art and Design (SOAAD) to engage in this kind of activity in the long term.
This is a superb opportunity both to gain some experience in the cultural heritage
sector, and to obtain some cutting edge technical skills.
Seeking: Students interested in this project should be comfortable working with computers,
both PC and MAC. Knowledge of programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, AutoCAD, Fusion360,
etc. is helpful, but not essential. Students in Architecture, Engineering, and Computer
Science are particularly welcome, but interested students in any field may also apply.
Students should be able and prepared both to work independently and under supervision,
both in the 3d scanning lab of the Visual Arts building and on their own.
Duties: The project will require students to spend time each week:
- Familiarizing themselves with relevant software packages
- Reading manuals / taking online tutorials for relevant software packages.
- Writing brief reports / make brief presentations on software and techniques.
- Handling archaeological objects
- Cooperating with faculty and staff in the 3d scanning lab.
- Arranging appointments and times with various stakeholders, including museums, faculty
and a staff
How to find out more: Email: Dr. Philip Kiernan School of Art & Design pkierna1@kennesaw.edu
Business Law - Professor Altom
Type of Opportunity: Teaching
Faculty Member: Professor Kent Altom College: Coles College of Business
Expected Start Date: 08/14/2023 Expected Completion Date: 12/11/2023
Faculty Course or Project: BLAW 2200: The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
Description: Student will be a learning assistant to two sections of BLAW 2200. Student will prepare an introduction to be given in-person and/or via video at the beginning of the semester. Student will be available to current BLAW 2200 students who have questions related to course topics as well as how to study, what organization or scheduling methods to utilize to stay on track, etc. (i) via email and (ii) in-person and/or virtual sessions (five times during the semester, before each of four tests and final exam).
Seeking: Any honor student who has completed BLAW 2200 with a final grade of A.
Duties: Introduction in-person and/or via video at the beginning of the semester; Weekly email
check-in sent to current BLAW 2200 students; Five one-hour in-person and/or virtual
sessions (one before each of four tests and final exam); and Routine checking of emails
from current BLAW 2200 students with responses to them within 24 hours of receipt.
Time Commitment: Eight to ten hours during the semester.
How to find out more: Email: Prof. Kent Altom
Type of opportunity: Research
Faculty Member: Jeanne Bohannon College: College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Description: #ATLStudentMovement: Recovering the People, Places and Events of a Civil Rights Movement that Changed the Nation
The Atlanta Student Movement Project is a research project funded by a generous grant
from the Rich Foundation, conducted by ÁñÁ«»ÆÊÓƵ undergraduate and
graduate students, and led by Dr. Jeanne Law Bohannon (KSU English Department) along
with Dr. Lonnie King, the project's senior community partner. The oral histories in
this collection represent the goal of the project: uncovering and preserving the history
of Atlanta sit-ins and student protests that were pivotal in the success of the Student
Movement, the Civil Rights movement, and the history of the city of Atlanta as a whole.
Videos and transcripts in this collection have been archived at the KSU Archives.
Seeking: Communications (MENT, New media, Journalism, PR) English (archival research) IT (website design)
Duties: I seek a student researcher to assist in data collection for this IRB-approved project
for duties that include: website content curation and creation; oral history recording;
transcribing oral histories; remixing oral histories into educational and public digital
content (podcasts, videos).
Time Commitment: Flexible, depending on availability. 5-15 hours per week.
How to find out more: Please contact Jeanne Law Bohannon, jbohan12@kennesaw.edu, with email stating interest, major, and any relevant experience.
English - Dr. Smith-Sitton
Type of opportunity: I have several internship/community-engaged opportunities that might be of interest.
Faculty Member: Lara Smith-Sitton College: Humanities & Social Sciences
Description: Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School Throughout the year, I have several opportunities that can connect students to community-engaged
projects for research and/or practicums that can support capstone projects. This project
would allow a student to participate in an internship/community engagement project
with a variety of writing, research, and engagement components related to topics around
immigration, refugees, English language learning, and storytelling.
Seeking: I am looking for an honors student with experience or interest in learning more about
how storytelling and writing (as well as editing and publishing) can serve as an important
tool for sharing knowledge about the unique experiences of immigrants and refugees.
The student needs strong writing skills, oral communication abilities, and basic research
experience. A student interested in creative writing or storytelling for creative
nonfiction or nonfiction genres as well as digital storytelling or how stories serve
organizations (corporate and nonprofit) are important facets this work.
- Editing and writing
- Scholarly research and support for a substantive research project measuring impact
of storytelling
- Assisting with special events
Time Commitment: There is a good amount of flexibility here for this project--for a formal internship,
this student could enroll in English 3398 and engaged 12-15 hours per week. For a
community engaged project, we could adjust the hours in line with project design.
How to find out more: Email: Dr. Lara Smith-Sitton lsmith11@kennesaw.edu
Geography & Anthropology - Dr. McDaniel
Type of opportunity: Research
Faculty Member: Dr. Paul McDaniel College: College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Description: I have a variety of ongoing projects exploring the intersections among the causes,
processes, and implications of immigration in urban regions. Specifically, these projects
focus on processes of immigrant settlement, adjustment, integration, and receptivity
in cities and metropolitan areas using mixed-methods, qualitative, and community-based
participatory research methods. Project study areas range from the local Atlanta region,
to the southeastern United States, to the U.S. as a whole, and to an international
Seeking: Any major is fine. Research skills are needed, either quantitative (statistics) or
qualitative or mixed-methods. Good organizational and communication skills are helpful.
Duties: Depending on the particular project, duties might include surveying relevant literature
and preparing an annotated bibliography; writing an initial literature review; collecting,
organizing, and analyzing quantitative data sets; exploring qualitative data sets
for emerging themes and writing about those themes; and helping with preparing and
editing manuscripts based on analysis of data that will eventually be submitted for
peer-review with scholarly journals.
Time Commitment: I am very flexible regarding time commitment depending on project focus and student
How to find out more: Email: Dr. Paul McDaniel at paul.mcdaniel@kennesaw.edu or visit his website at
Geography and Anthropology - Dr. Bariteau
Type of opportunity: Teaching
Faculty Member: Dr. Erinn Bariteau College: Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Start Date: Ongoing End Date: Ongoing
Description: Teaching assistant opportunity for courses Geog 1112: Weather and Climate or Geog
1102: Earth From Above Support students in and out of the classroom, hosting study
sessions, lab assistance, and/or mentorship.
Seeking: I am seeking leaders who can take initiative to support fellow students. Students
who are motivated, organized, hard working, and interested in Physical Geography and
GSS coursework are encouraged to participate.
Time Commitment: Flexible based on interest and prior experience. Flexible in terms of remote, face-to-face
and hybrid commitment to activities and structure.
How to find out more: Please contact me via email with questions, Erinn Bariteau ebaritea@kennesaw.edu
Information Systems - Dr. Thomas
Type of opportunity: IS 3020 - Developing Raspberry Pi Activities - merging the physical and digital
with Python
Faculty Member: Dr. Dominic Thomas College: Coles College of Business
Description: The student will work with me to experiment with Raspberry Pi computers and make tutorials
to be used in class. The work will build on an initial example activity I have developed
and tested in class in which students build an interactive piece of hardware and control
it with Python within a 1 hour timeperiod. The goal will be to develop a set of 2-4
more activities to extend that learning into more sophisticated applications involving
perhaps sensors and real-world business prototyping - perhaps even 3D printing of
cases for example.
Seeking: I am open to any sort of Honors student, but I would prefer one who is very curious
about technology and excited to explore emerging technology. Knowledge of Python,
Raspberry Pi, and other programming related skills would be a bonus.
- Brainstorming potential activities.
- Selecting ideas to pursue in conjunction with me.
- Pursuing developing those activities by:
- Searching for existing examples and demonstrating them
- Developing modifications to those demos and documenting them
- Writing instruction sheets and perhaps recording videos showing how to do the tasks
- Testing the activity with students in class and refining the materials based on observations
and feedback
Time Commitment: 80 hours/semester
How to find out more: Email: Dr. Thomas at dthom310@kennesaw.edu
Mathematics - Dr. Stachura
Type of opportunity: Research
Faculty Member: Eric Stachura College: College of Science & Mathematics
Description: Derivation of the Eikonal equation for wave propagation in piezoelectric materials The student will study acoustic wave propagation in piezoelectric materials. In particular,
the student will show how to obtain the Eikonal equation from the set of equations
which govern acoustic waves in piezoelectric materials. The student will explore some
basic properties of nonlinear differential equations which arise in mathematical physics.
Seeking: Math, physics, or engineering major preferred. The student should have a strong background
in linear algebra and differential equations. No previous exposure to piezoelectric
materials necessary. Students who have had exposure to partial differential equations
are especially welcome.
Duties: Deriving in detail the Eikonal equation from the pair of differential equations that
govern acoustic wave propagation in piezoelectric materials. The student will need
strong algebra skills to derive this equation. If time, the student can explore solvability
of the Eikonal equation that they derive.
Time Commitment: 5 hours per week, but flexible.
How to find out more: Email: Dr. Stachura at estachur@kennesaw.edu
Molecular & Cellular Biology - Dr. Tseng
Type of opportunity: Research
Faculty Member: Tsai-Tien Tseng College: College of Science & Mathematics
Description: Bioinformatics - Metagenomics, Molecular Evolution and High Performance Computing
Several projects are available. Here are some examples:
- Metagenomic studies for food safety
- Molecular evolution of membrane transporters
- GPU accelerated discovery in bioinformatics
- Linux distribution for bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics in cloud-based high performance computing
- IT infrastructure for bioinformatics
- Biology
- Biochemistry
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Or anyone interested in the computational aspects of biology
- GPA 3.0 or above
*Multiple semester commitment preferred
Duties: Vary. Here are some examples:
- Learn the basics of bioinformatics
- Conduct literature searches
- Perform analysis of available genomic data
- Maintain databases and other software
Student is required to:
- Meet with faculty mentor on regular basis to learn various techniques
- Maintain constant engagement to the project
- Attend and present at conferences when needed
Time Commitment: Varies based on student level. Likely start off with a few hours per week.
How to find out more: Email: ttseng@kennesaw.edu
Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering - Dr. Guerra-Zubiaga
Type of opportunity: Research
Faculty Member: David A. Guerra-Zubiaga
College: Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SPCEEC)
The research activities combine state of the art technologies related to fields such
as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and information
systems among others. Some specific topics you could explore are related, but not
limited to:
- Tacit Knowledge Models to support Engineering Decisions.
- Digital Manufacturing tools to support Industry 4.0 aspects.
- Next Generation Automation Systems to support Medical Applications.
You could see some research production on next link:
Seeking: Any Honor College Student (HCS) with the compromise to learn and seriously try a research
journey in the topics mentioned above.
Duties: Could vary, but some examples are: conduct literature review, learn some lab software
and equipment. HCS will meet the faculty mentor and a research group one time per
Time Commitment: Varies based on student level and interest. Likely start off with a few hours per
How to find out more: Email: dguerraz@kennesaw.edu
Sociology & Criminal Justice - Dr. Cabage
Type of opportunity: Research, Trends in Police Shootings and Line of Duty Deaths
Faculty Member: LeAnn Cabage College: Humanities & Social Sciences
Description: I am looking for a student that can work through the Fatal Encounters database and
transfer the information to an Excel document based on my guidance. The data will
then be used to create a trend analysis of police shootings recorded in the data base.
The information will be presented at a national conference and I will be looking towards
publication of the material.
Seeking: I am looking for someone with a background in criminal justice, sociology, or someone
with an interest in police shootings. A basic knowledge of Excel is helpful, but I
can train the individual how to format the sheet. Someone with a basic knowledge of
SPSS also would be helpful as the information will eventually be put into a SPSS file,
but this is not a requirement.
Duties: The student will work through the Fatal Encounters data base and transfer this information
to an Excel spreadsheet in the format provided by me.
Time Commitment: I would estimate probably 10 hours a week.
How to find out more: An interested student may contact me via email at lcabage@kennesaw.edu