
Response involves the actions taken immediately prior to, during, and after an emergency to protect life, property, and the environment. Response actions are carried out by many members of the Ƶ student body, faculty, and staff. Some proper emergency responses are outlined below.

  • Many emergency situations will require students, faculty, staff, and visitors to take shelter within the buildings they are currently occupying.  Some of these situations include violent incidents, severe weather, and hazardous material releases outside the building.  Response to acts of violence will be covered extensively in the next section, so this plan is focused on non-violent incidents.

    Here are a few general guidelines for hazardous, non-violent events requiring shelter-in response:

    • Remain calm
    • Proceed to an interior area of your building, away from windows and doors
    • Take direction from the Crisis Coordinators and emergency response personnel as to the best place to shelter in your building
    • If it is safe to do so, assist anyone who is physically impaired
    • Remain in your shelter location until the all clear is given or you are advised to move by emergency response personnel
  • Securing in place is one of several potential responses to an emergency involving an act of violence. 

    During a secure in place:

    • Go to the nearest room or office
    • Close, lock, and barricade the door with any heavy furniture possible
    • Cover windows, if possible
    • Turn out the lights, if possible
    • Silence all noise producing sources, including your cell phones
    • If you can provide any valuable information to the responding units, such as the whereabouts of the shooter, call 470-578-6666 or extension 6666
  • Situations may arise that necessitate an evacuation of a building for the safety of that building’s occupants.  Emergencies that could lead to an evacuation include fire, hazardous material spills inside the building, utility failure, and bomb threat.

    When these situations occur or any other situation leads to an evacuation order, each person should follow the following guidelines:

    • Remain calm
    • Leave your work area/classroom immediately and proceed to the nearest exit and leave the building
    • Do NOT use elevators.  Use the stairs and proceed down the stairs on the right hand side
    • If it is safe to do so, assist anyone who is physically impaired.  If they are unable to exit the building without using the elevator, assist them to a safe area in or near a stairwell and immediately notify first responders (such as KSU Police or the fire department) of the person’s location
    • Proceed to an area at least 300 feet away from the building and keep roads and walkways clear for emergency vehicle access
    • Do not re-enter  the building
    • Follow the directions of the crisis coordinators and public safety personnel

    After an evacuation, individuals in leadership positions should account for students, faculty, staff, and visitors who were under their supervision at the time of the evacuation.  If anyone is unaccounted for, notify public safety personnel or a crisis coordinator.  If you know the person’s last known location, provide that information as well.

    In the unlikely event of a campus wide evacuation, people will be provided additional instructions through Rave alerts and social media.  Depending on the nature of the threat, and possible location of the threat, campus personnel will likely be instructed to “walk off campus” to designated assembly areas.  This assumes that there are no inherent dangers moving persons in those directions.