The Master of Accounting (MAcc) degree program is a fast-paced, two semester, cohort-based graduate program designed to help you achieve your career goals and certification requirements. Our 2 in 2 program allows you to complete both your graduate degree and the CPA Exam in two semesters. During the August to May program, you will take all four parts of the CPA Exam while specializing in either Audit/Advisory or Tax.
We deliver strong core graduate accounting seminars, enhance technical expertise, develop advanced communication and critical thinking abilities, and promote leadership skills. We are committed to preparing you not only to be technically proficient but also to be equipped for a changing future. Your MAcc and CPA credentials make your work options virtually limitless - public accounting, industry, government, non-profit, and self-employment.
The School of Accountancy at KSU’s Coles College of Business is one of the largest accounting programs in the state of Georgia. Additionally, it is home to the internationally recognized Internal Audit Center.
The MAcc program is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in accounting from an accredited institution. It is a full-time, day program with no evening or online courses. You must complete five prerequisite courses (Intermediate Accounting 1 and 2, Tax, Accounting Information Systems, and Audit) before starting our program. You do not have to have these prerequisites completed to apply, but you must have at least five upper level (beyond introductory financial and managerial accounting) accounting course grades at the time you apply
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Program Format: Face-to-Face
Number of Credits Hours: 30 Total Hours
Entry Terms: Fall
Time to Complete: Two-Semester Cohort Program
Application Deadlines:
Admission Criteria
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College and University Accounting Schools Worldwide Recognized as Center of Excellence by the Institute of Internal Auditors
job placement of recent MAcc graduates
With a ƵAccounting degree, you can work in many roles besides accounting, including financial examiner, financial analyst, finance manager, chief financial officer, budget analyst, or business and financial consultant.
Accounting is a profession specializing in the “language of business,” with your Master’s of Accounting from KSU, you can pursue certification opportunities which include:
A career in accounting offers many paths that can easily align with your current and future goals. Below are just a few jobs achievable with a master degree in Accounting from KSU.
School of Accountancy
Coles College of Business
Burruss Building, Room 233
560 Parliament Garden Way NW
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Phone: 470.578.4377