Equitable, Ecological and Creative Place Making Initiative
The Department of Architecture's Place Making Strategies Initiative focuses on Ecology, Equity, Public Art and Tactical Urbanism via core courses, studios, electives, faculty project groups, lectures, and symposia. This initiative brings together existing efforts and supports the creation of new place making strategies by faculty and students.
For general questions, please contact Dr. Hashas-Degertekin below. For specific questions on projects, please contact the lead faculty listed under each project.
Our Mission, Vision & Strategies
Going along with the very promise of Community Engagement classifications of Ƶ and the interdisciplinary nature of today’s practices of physical environment, the initiative aims at connecting varying expertise of its faculty and workforce of its students with local communities via collaborative design and implementation projects. The projects will be at varying scales and address sustainable, equitable and artful place making via collaboration with local communities, governmental and non-profit organizations, architecture, and urban design companies. The initiative will also aim at making use of other university programs and expertise.
Within the context of current practice of (re)developing urban environments, KSU Architecture Department’s EEC Place Making Initiative will serve an essential function for a holistic and comprehensive urban design approach that overlays place making with design, social, environmental and economic sustainability, equity and affordability, public art and community engagement.
The initiative will aim to reinforce the role of KSU’s Department of Architecture as a think tank and community design hub in the Metro Atlanta.
An integrated and networked model is proposed for the initiative. A number of faculty have already been serving on boards and committees based on their expertise. Studios or courses will work with the local communities, organizations or governments to increase their real-life training and initiative’s collaboration network.Due to university classifications, departmental focus on undergraduate education and many faculty with PhDs and Master degrees, the initiative will aim at applied research as well as design proposals and small-scale design built projects.
While collaborative work is done via course/studio work, meetings and networking events will be planned for collaboration with various local non-profit and for-profit organizations and entities. These will be mainly open to faculty, students and to public.