Picking Up Schoolwork and Emptying Lockers
KENNESAW, Ga. | Jul 8, 2020
Pick-up days are based on your last name

Beginning Monday, July 13, the School of Art and Design will open the Visual Arts building to allow students to come and pick up their schoolwork and to empty out their respective lockers. We will do this over a four-day period, based upon your last name.
Students with last names beginning with A to K:
Monday July 13, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wednesday July 15, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Students with last names beginning with L to Z:
Tuesday July 14, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday July 16, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We will open up all of the classrooms, studios and computer labs for students to retrieve their works. You will be given up to 15 minutes to enter, pick up your works and to exit.
Guidelines for Picking Up Schoolwork and Emptying Lockers
We are doing this in adherence to guidance set forth by our public health experts and the CDC. We are proceeding with the utmost caution. When you come to retrieve your schoolwork, please be prepared to comply with the following protocols:
Review your symptoms and exposure. If you have a fever, exhibit flu-like symptoms or symptoms associated with COVID-19, or if there is a possibility you have been exposed to COVID-19, do not enter the building. We will use a touch-less thermometer to check your temperature before entering the building.
- Wear a Mask. You must wear a mask or an appropriate face covering. No exceptions.
- Thirty people maximum. No more than 30 people are allowed inside the building at any time.
- Six feet apart. All persons inside the building must remain six feet apart at all times.
- No food or drink. No food or drink is permitted inside the building. Please leave any food or drink inside your vehicle or dispose of it before entering.
- No restrooms. Restrooms are unavailable for use at this time.
- No Carts or Handcarts Available. You may bring your own.
- 15 Minutes. You will have a time limit of 15 minutes to retrieve your works and to empty out your locker.
- Rear Entrance for Pick-up of Large and Heavy Works. Please use loading area in the rear of the building for pickup of large and heavy items.
- Proxies will not be allowed. Students must come to pick up their own works.